--- title: Services description: FOSC as a service, or FAAS published: true date: 2020-04-27T17:53:01.322Z tags: --- # Publicly accessible services > Anyone can see (some of) the content stored here, as a member you have full access {.is-info} ### Frontpage [fosc.space](https://fosc.space) The portal to it all ### Blog [blog.fosc.space](https://blog.fosc.space) The Blog is based on Bludit and showcases actitivies that make the news ### Gallery [gallery.fosc.space](https://gallery.fosc.space) A Lychee-powered image hosting site to upload pictures from events and host resources for the blog. ### Downloads [download.fosc.space](https://download.fosc.space) Every distribution that we seed can be downloaded via http ### Wiki [doc.fosc.space](https://doc.fosc.space) You are viewing it right now! ### Netdata [netdata.fosc.space](https://netdata.fosc.space) [cdn.fosc.space](https://cdn.fosc.space) [router.fosc.space](https://router.fosc.space) Performance graphs for our servers and router ### Goaccess [analytics.fosc.space](https://analytics.fosc.space) Statistics generated by the web server hosting our frontpage. # Private Services > These require membership to work at all {.is-info} ### FreshRSS [rss.fosc.space](https://rss.fosc.space) The famous RSS feed reader ### Nextcloud [cloud.fosc.space](https://cloud.fosc.space) Our video chat, task list and personal file storage solution ### Gitea [git.fosc.space](https://git.fosc.space) Go powered Github clone for all of our code storage needs ### Motioneye [motioneye.fosc.space](https://motioneye.fosc.space) Web frontend for the Motion video surveillance software ### Bitwarden [bitwarden.fosc.space](https://bitwarden.fosc.space) Password storage solution ### Transmission [transmission.fosc.space](https://transmission.fosc.space) Transmission daemon web UI ### LDAP password reset [pwreset.fosc.space](https://pwreset.fosc.space) Sometimes you forget # Game servers > Server versions and ports may be nonstandard. Contact us if you want to run your server here. {.is-info} ### Minecraft servers ###### Vanilla `fosc.space` ###### FTB Revelations `ftb.fosc.space` ###### Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons `adventure.fosc.space` ###### RLCraft `rlcraft.fosc.space` ### Minecraft Bedrock server `fosc.space` ### CSGO Server `fosc.space` ### Starbound Server `fosc.space`