--- title: Arch Linux Install guide description: published: true date: 2019-11-06T00:04:20.295Z tags: --- # btw I install arch > This **turbo install guide** makes a lot of assumptions on what you want and doesn't cover many real world setups. Always follow the [official wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide) if in doubt. {.is-info} Alternatively, check out [our installer](https://git.fosc.space/fosc/fosc-arch-installer) when it's ready. ## Partitioning To partition disks, always use `cgdisk` unless you have a good reason not to. It's just the best, like a 🦈. > Find the names of your disks using `lsblk` {.is-info} In this guide, the first SATA disk (`sda`) is used. On a modern computer, you may use `nvme0n1` or even `mmcblk0` on embedded systems. `cgdisk /dev/sda` Try to make it look something like: ``` /dev/sda1 200M (ef00) /boot /dev/sda2 $REST_OF_HDD (8300) / ``` The first partition will store the bootloader and the kernel, and will be read by the UEFI to boot. The second one will contain Arch. Format the partitions and mount them. > On an SSD, `f2fs` is recommended instead of `ext4` for unparalled speed. {.is-info} ``` mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sda1 mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 mount /dev/sda2 /mnt mkdir /mnt/boot mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot ``` ## Internet access If Ethernet was plugged in during boot, it will be ready. When plugging it after the fact, it's best to just reboot. Alternatively, run `dhcpcd`, `killall dhpcd` and run `dhcpcd` again to get an IP address. No, that didn't make sense, but it works way too well. > If a WiFi install is absolutely necessary, run the Arch installer-exclusive `wifi-menu` tool. {.is-warning} Check your internet connectivity with `ping` before continuing. ## Actual install To install packages to a folder instead of normally, `pacstrap` is used. Here a good set of packages to get a running system is provided. > This can also be used to fix a broken system, such as one turned off during an update, by reinstalling damaged packages. {.is-info} `pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware f2fs-tools nano xorg-server gnome gnome-extra firefox networkmanager htop zsh grml-zsh-config` ## Chrooting *The art of running a process as if it was in another system.* It's time to enter the freshly installed Arch rootfs! `arch-chroot /mnt /bin/zsh` ## Making the system bootable Run `bootctl install` systemd-boot will be the bootloader used. It boots entries stored at `/boot/loader/entries/` and is configured at `/boot/loader/loader.conf`. Copy an example boot entry to the correct place and then edit it. ``` cp /usr/share/systemd/bootctl/arch.conf /boot/loader/entries/ nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf ``` You will need to edit the `options` line so your kernel is told where to find your Arch partition. In this guide, the file would end up like this: ``` title Arch Linux linux /vmlinuz-linux initrd /initramfs-linux.img options root=/dev/sda2 rw ``` > Once this is done, your Arch install is fully bootable! {.is-success} However, don't reboot just yet. There are still some things to do before getting into a properly running system. While we are in the subject of the kernel options cmdline, let's enter... #### The PARTUUID dilemma > Using partition names to boot instead of their unique indetifiers will cause the OS not to boot if (when) the partition count or disk order of the computer changes. > It may change even across reboots. To avoid this issue, extract your partition's `PARTUUID` using `blkid` and edit your options line accordingly. {.is-danger} ``` title Arch Linux linux /vmlinuz-linux initrd /initramfs-linux.img options root=PARTUUID="9b505600-2d6a-3660-b0c3-d2dfd653c5fd" rw ``` > As long as your firmware doesn't change disk order randomly, **and you know what to touch if it breaks**, this step can be done later. {.is-info} ## Configuring the system so it's usable ### Language At least a language needs to be generated and set as the preferred system language. ``` echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf locale-gen ``` ### Users Change `root`'s password and its shell, then add your user and change their password too. ``` passwd chsh root -s /bin/zsh useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/zsh user passwd user ``` ### Enabling services Upon bootup, NetworkManager will manage our network interfaces and a graphical login screen provided by GDM will be shown. ```systemctl enable NetworkManager gdm``` ## Restart > And we are truly done! {.is-success} ``` exit reboot ``` # btw I use arch *but it sucks, blackscreens and lasts 5 minutes on battery* Unless some major hardware quirks are happening (damn you, NVIDIA!) you should be able to start using your computer now. What to do now is heavily dependent on your hardware and desktop environment. A few common tips are provided. ## Time Use the `timedatectl` tool. ``` timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Madrid timedatectl set-ntp true ``` ## I forgot to install a terminal emulator You always have the TTYs. Press `ctrl+alt+F4` and login normally. ## Package management Read the [pacman rosetta](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Rosetta). TL;DR, `pacman -Syu thingy1 thingy2 ...` to install thingy1 and thingy2. ## sudo doesn't work It works, you are just not allowed to use it. Login as root and edit /etc/sudoers. `nano /etc/sudoers` Uncomment (remove the #) from this line near the end of the file. `# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL` ## Connecting to wifi via cli Use `nmtui` to control NetworkManager from a terminal. ## Bluetooth doesn't even exist Install `bluez` and `bluez-utils` and enable the service `systemctl enable --now bluetooth`. Bluetooth audio needs `pulseaudio-bluetooth`. When using a minimal desktop environment you can try some of the applets such as `blueman` or `gnome-bluetooth` to control it. ## Audio in general Always install `pavucontrol` to completely manage your audio needs. Mics by default come muted. Unmute it and/or boost it. A similar deal happens with bluetooth audio, by default it runs on basically analog phone emulation mode. Change to high quality audio profile to not **instantly die** upon music playback. ## Battery life is nonexistent The TLP daemon tunes tunables inside the heavily tunable Linux kernel so you have a semblance of battery life. Install `tlp` and enable it, which is quirky. ``` systemctl enable --now tlp tlp-sleep systemctl mask systemd-rfkill ``` You can technically also install it in normal desktops and it makes some difference in wall power draw. ## NVIDIA Optimus Install `nvidia` and `nvidia-utils` as normal. These by default will hijack your screen and run everything with the NVIDIA card. The NVIDIA control panel allows you to turn the GPU off completely. > However, this doesn't really work on some laptops, which will just blackscreen or exhibit buggy behavior. > Plus, it drains the battery pretty much *instantly*. {.is-warning} Install `bumblebee` so the integrated graphics have priority and activate its service: `systemctl enable bumblebeed`. You will need to add your user to the `bumblebee` group. Run `gpasswd -a yourusername bumblebee`. To run programs with the NVIDIA card, run `optirun program`. For Steam games, change their executable command line to `optirun %command%`. Finally, to allow the card to turn off completely when unused, install `bbswitch`. > Even LESS laptops will like that. The workaround involves editing your kernel cmdline options to blacklist a little bit of Windows-specific BIOS code. > Try adding `acpi_osi=! acpi_osi="Windows 2012"`. Try with 2009 or 2015 instead for 9xxm and 20xx series respectively if it doesn't work. {.is-danger} More information [can be found at the usual place](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA_Optimus)