
129 lines
4.0 KiB

# Homepage configuration
# See for icons options
title: "SERVICES"
subtitle: "FOSC"
logo: "assets/logo.png"
# icon: "fas fa-skull-crossbones" Optional icon
# Optional message
# url: https://....
style: "is-dark" # See for styling options.
title: "Hi !"
content: "Services that allow you to steal code more efficiently."
# Optional navbar
- name: "WEB"
icon: "fas fa-globe"
url: ""
target: '_blank' # optional html a tag target attribute
- name: "Wiki"
icon: "fas fa-book"
url: ""
# Services
# First level array represent a group.
# Leave only a "items" key if not using group (group name, icon & tagstyle are optional, section separation will not be displayed).
- name: "File Sharing"
icon: "fas fa-share-alt"
- name: "qBittorrent"
logo: "assets/tools/qBittorrent.png"
subtitle: "Open Source P2P Bittorrent client"
tag: "P2P"
tagstyle: "is-success"
url: ""
target: '_blank' # optionnal html a tag target attribute
- name: "Torrent Downloads"
logo: "assets/tools/caddy.svg"
subtitle: "Open source web server"
tag: "WebServer"
target: '_blank'
tagstyle: "is-success"
url: ""
- name: "Pyload"
logo: "assets/tools/pyload.png"
subtitle: "Open Source download manager"
tag: "Python"
tagstyle: "is-success"
url: ""
target: '_blank'
- name: "Private Downloads"
logo: "assets/tools/caddy.svg"
subtitle: "Open source web server"
tag: "WebServer"
target: '_blank'
tagstyle: "is-success"
url: ""
- name: "Monitoring"
icon: "fas fa-heartbeat"
- name: "Traefik"
logo: "assets/tools/traefik.png"
subtitle: "HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer"
tag: "Proxy"
url: ""
# - name: "Ouroboros"
# logo: "assets/tools/ouroboros.png"
# subtitle: "Automatically update Docker containers"
# tag: "Update"
# tagstyle: "is-success"
- name: "Netdata Server"
logo: "assets/tools/logonetdata.png"
subtitle: "Real-time and health monitoring"
url: ""
tag: "Stats"
tagstyle: "is-success"
- name: "Netdata Router Linksys"
logo: "assets/tools/logonetdata.png"
subtitle: "Real-time and health monitoring"
url: ""
tag: "Stats"
tagstyle: "is-success"
# - name: "Grafana"
# logo: "assets/tools/grafana.png"
# subtitle: "Metric analytics & dashboards"
# url: ""
# - name: "Kibana"
# logo: "assets/tools/elastic.png"
# subtitle: "Explore & visualize logs"
# tag: "elk"
# url: ""
# - name: "Website monitoring"
# logo: "assets/tools/pingdom.png"
# subtitle: "Pingdom public reports overview"
# tag: "CI"
# url: ""
- name: "Information"
icon: "fas fa-rocket"
- name: "FreshRSS"
logo: "assets/tools/freshrss.png"
subtitle: "Self-hosted RSS feed aggregator"
tag: "RSS"
tagstyle: "is-success"
url: ""
- name: "TS3"
logo: "assets/tools/ts3.png"
subtitle: ""
tag: "TS3"
tagstyle: "is-success"
url: "ts3server://"
- name: "In progress"
icon: "fas fa-spinner"
- name: "Octoprint"
logo: "assets/tools/octoprintLogo.png"
subtitle: "Web interface for my 3D printer"
tag: "3D Printer"
# url: ""