# cat /gunicorn_conf.py inside container # Copied to project so we can tune max_content_length from __future__ import print_function import json import multiprocessing import os workers_per_core_str = os.getenv("WORKERS_PER_CORE", "2") web_concurrency_str = os.getenv("WEB_CONCURRENCY", None) host = os.getenv("HOST", "") port = os.getenv("PORT", "80") bind_env = os.getenv("BIND", None) use_loglevel = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "info") if bind_env: use_bind = bind_env else: use_bind = "{host}:{port}".format(host=host, port=port) cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() workers_per_core = float(workers_per_core_str) default_web_concurrency = workers_per_core * cores if web_concurrency_str: web_concurrency = int(web_concurrency_str) assert web_concurrency > 0 else: web_concurrency = int(default_web_concurrency) # Gunicorn config variables loglevel = use_loglevel workers = web_concurrency bind = use_bind keepalive = 120 errorlog = "-" # For debugging and testing log_data = { "loglevel": loglevel, "workers": workers, "bind": bind, # Additional, non-gunicorn variables "workers_per_core": workers_per_core, "host": host, "port": port, } print(json.dumps(log_data))