
294 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-07-12 23:07:56 +00:00
from datetime import datetime
from shutil import copy2
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os, csv
UPLOAD_FOLDER = './dataset/'
tableClass = 'table table-striped table-sm table-responsive'
def get_date(probe, file):
''' Test utils file '''
return datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
# - Check if is a good file
#def checkUploadedFile(probe, file):
# return 1
# - clean the head of csv, need to extract info an remove the %% (maybe new file with metadata info?) [done]
# - create the empty csv, first row with headers [done]
# - desviation and more data things
def process_castaway(file):
# Copy raw file to process folder
with open(file) as CastAwayFile:
filename = os.path.basename(CastAwayFile.name).strip('raw-')
processFilePath = os.path.join(
UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'CastAway', filename)
#copy2(file, processFilePath)
# Getting some metadata info
#with open(file, newline='') as castfile:
# lines = castfile.readlines()
# device = lines[0].split(',')[1].replace('\r\n', '')
# filename = lines[1].split(',')[1].replace('\r\n', '')
# start_latitude = lines[9].split(',')[1].replace('\r\n', '')
# start_longitude = lines[10].split(',')[1].replace('\r\n', '')
# start_altitude = lines[11].split(',')[1].replace('\r\n', '')
# castfile.close()
# Opening the csv with pandas
df = pd.read_csv(file, skiprows=28)
# Extract perfil bajada, el 1 es por el header
index_max = df['Depth (Meter)'].idxmax() + 1
#df_perfilBajada = df[df['depth'].between(0, df['depth'].max())] # No funciona muy bien
# Limitamos a solo el perfil de bajada
df_perfilBajada = df[:index_max]
# Guardamos solo el perfilBajada en carpeta PB
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'CastAway', 'PB')):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'CastAway', 'PB'))
filenamePB = filename.strip('.csv') + '-PB.csv'
perfilBajadaFilePath = os.path.join(
UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'CastAway', 'PB', filenamePB)
df_perfilBajada.to_csv(perfilBajadaFilePath, index=False)
# Trying to show Dataframe on webpage
return df.to_html(classes=tableClass)
except Exception as ex:
print('Exception: '+repr(ex))
return ex
def process_suna(file):
df = pd.read_csv(file, encoding="ISO-8859-1", header=None)
#df.columns = ['fechaHora', 'INSTRUMENT', 'Start-time', 'Nitrato(uMol/L)','Nitrato(MG/L)', 'ERROR', 'T_lamp', ]
#if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'SUNA', 'HEAD')):
# os.makedirs(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'SUNA', 'HEAD'))
# Return webpage
return df.to_html(classes=tableClass)
except Exception as ex:
print('Exception: '+repr(ex))
return ex
# - Ask for FIRe examples, actually only bin files found (done)
# - Extract file to process folder (done)
# - Save a File with PAR info
# - Headers on email (ask for new headers)[done]
# - Remove negative values (this, done)
# - Arrange similar windows depth and do measure
def process_fire(file):
''' Processing FIRe '''
# Copy raw file to process folder
with open(file) as FIReFile:
filename_raw = os.path.basename(FIReFile.name)
filename = os.path.basename(FIReFile.name).strip('raw-')
#raw_file_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'raw', filename_raw)
processFilePath = os.path.join(
UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', filename)
#copy2(file, processFilePath)
# First, need to check the csv headers
# Open the process file with pandas
df = pd.read_csv(file, header=None)
# Headers (now working fine)
df.columns = ['fechaHora', 'estacion', 'fecha', 'hora', 'profundidad', 'Fo', 'Fm', 'Fv', 'Fv/Fm', 'p', 'Abs_rel', 'Abs_abs', 'led_light', 'ETR', 'coma1', 'coma2', 'coma3', 'coma4', 'coma5', 'coma6','error_norm', 'PAR', 'V', 'cero1', 'cero2', 'cero3', 'cero4', 'raro']
df.loc[:, 'coma1'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma2'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma3'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma4'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma5'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma6'] = 0
# Fixing empty values
#df.to_csv(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'raw', 'raw-'+filename), index=False)
filename_nn = execution_NN(filename_raw)
return df.to_html(classes=tableClass)
except Exception as ex:
print('Exception: '+repr(ex))
return ex
# - Only perfil bajada (done)
def process_phyco(file):
''' Processing PhycoCTD'''
# Copy raw file to process folder
with open(file, "r+") as phycoFile:
# Sustract raw- of filename
filename_raw = os.path.basename(phycoFile.name)
filename = os.path.basename(phycoFile.name).strip('raw-')
processFilePath = os.path.join(
UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'PhycoCTD', filename)
#copy2(file, processFilePath)
# Working with the process file
df = pd.read_csv(file, delimiter=';')
# Return webpage
return df.to_html(classes=tableClass)
except Exception as ex:
print('Exception: '+repr(ex))
return ex
def check_if_old_phyco(filename):
# Checking if old file csv
PATH = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'PhycoCTD', 'raw', filename)
with open(PATH, "r+") as phycoFile:
# Check if old version
line = phycoFile.readline()
if (',' in line):
old = True
old = False
if (old == True):
df_old = pd.read_csv(PATH, header=None, skiprows=1)
if (len(df_old.columns) == 16):
df_old.columns = ['station', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'time', 'depth', 'temp1', 'temp2', 'cdom[gain]',
'cdom[ppb]', 'cdom[mv]', 'pe[gain]', 'pe[ppb]', 'pe[mv]', 'chl[gain]', 'chl[ppb]', 'chl[mv]']
df_old.columns = ['station', 'time', 'depth', 'temp1', 'temp2', 'cdom[gain]', 'cdom[ppb]',
'cdom[mv]', 'pe[gain]', 'pe[ppb]', 'pe[mv]', 'chl[gain]', 'chl[ppb]', 'chl[mv]']
raw_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'PhycoCTD', 'raw', filename)
df_old.to_csv(raw_path, index=False, sep=';')
def execution_pb_phyco(filename):
# Guardamos solo el perfilBajada
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'PhycoCTD', 'PB')):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'PhycoCTD', 'PB'))
PATH = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'PhycoCTD', 'raw', filename)
df = pd.read_csv(PATH, delimiter=';')
# Checking if NaN values exists [for hack lab version csv upload]
if (df['temp2'].isnull().sum() > 0):
df.loc[:, 'temp2'] = 0
df = df.dropna()
# Extract perfil bajada, el 1 es por el header
index_max = df['depth'].idxmax() + 1
#df_perfilBajada = df[df['depth'].between(0, df['depth'].max())] # No funciona muy bien
# Limitamos a solo el perfil de bajada
df_pb= df[:index_max]
filename_pb = filename.strip('raw-').strip('.csv') + '-PB.csv'
pb_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'PhycoCTD', 'PB', filename_pb)
df_pb.to_csv(pb_path, sep=';', index=False)
def execution_NN(filename):
PATH = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'raw', filename)
df = pd.read_csv(PATH, header=None)
# Headers (now working fine)
df.columns = ['fechaHora', 'estacion', 'fecha', 'hora', 'profundidad', 'Fo', 'Fm', 'Fv', 'Fv/Fm', 'p', 'Abs_rel', 'Abs_abs', 'led_light',
'ETR', 'coma1', 'coma2', 'coma3', 'coma4', 'coma5', 'coma6', 'error_norm', 'PAR', 'V', 'cero1', 'cero2', 'cero3', 'cero4', 'raro']
df.loc[:, 'coma1'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma2'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma3'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma4'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma5'] = 0
df.loc[:, 'coma6'] = 0
# NonNegative values rutine
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'NN')):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'NN'))
# Remove rows with negatives values
df_nn = df[(df.iloc[:, 4:27] >= 0).all(1)]
filename_nn = filename.strip('raw-').strip('.csv') + '-NN.csv'
nonnegative_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'NN', filename_nn)
df_nn.to_csv(nonnegative_path, index=False)
return filename_nn
def execution_PAR(filename):
# PAR rutine
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'PAR')):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'PAR'))
PATH = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'NN', filename)
df = pd.read_csv(PATH)
# PAR execution
PAR_columns = ['estacion', 'fecha', 'profundidad', 'Fo', 'Fm', 'Fv', 'Fv/Fm', 'p', 'Abs_rel', 'Abs_abs', 'led_light',
'ETR', 'error_norm', 'PAR']
df_PAR = pd.DataFrame(columns=PAR_columns)
index_max = df['profundidad'].idxmax()
index_min = df['profundidad'].idxmin() + 1
depth_list = df[index_max:index_min]['profundidad'].to_list()
last_value = df['profundidad'].max()
similar_depth = []
for i in range(len(depth_list)):
if (abs(last_value - depth_list[i]) <= 2000):
last_value = depth_list[i]
elif (abs(last_value - depth_list[i]) >= 6000):
## Save the actual list to DataFrame
index_first = pd.to_numeric(df.index[df['profundidad'] == similar_depth[0]])[0]
index_last = pd.to_numeric(df.index[df['profundidad'] == similar_depth[-1]])[0] + 1
df_range = df.iloc[index_first:index_last]
# Working with df_range
estacion = df['estacion'][0]
fecha = df['fecha'][0]
profundidad = df_range['profundidad'].mean()
Fo = df_range['Fo'].mean()
Fm = df_range['Fm'].mean()
Fv = df_range['Fv'].mean()
FvFm = df_range['Fv/Fm'].mean()
p = df_range['p'].mean()
Abs_rel = df_range['Abs_rel'].mean()
Abs_abs = df_range['Abs_abs'].mean()
led_light = df_range['led_light'].mean()
ETR = df_range['ETR'].mean()
error_norm = df_range['error_norm'].mean()
PAR = df_range['PAR'].mean()
data = [estacion, fecha, profundidad, Fo, Fm, Fv, FvFm, p, Abs_rel, Abs_abs, led_light, ETR, error_norm, PAR]
row = pd.Series(data, index=PAR_columns)
df_PAR = df_PAR.append(row, ignore_index=True)
## Empty the list
similar_depth = []
last_value = depth_list[i]
## Adding to the new list
# Saving the DataFrame
# TODO: check last values, around 400 depth
filenamePAR = filename.strip('-NN.csv') + '-PAR.csv'
PARFilePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'FIRe', 'PAR', filenamePAR)
df_PAR.to_csv(PARFilePath, index=False)